After we conquered the cape, Mark and I decided to drive up to Maine and see Mt. Desert Island in the snow. I'd only ever been there in the summer when it's crawling with tourists and I've always wanted to see it when the natives weren't hiding from us interlopers. So, Frances got to experience Maine for the first time, at least the first time not in utero. (These pictures might not be very interesting if you've never been to Mt. Desert Island. Sorry about that.)
We drove up on Saturday night and settled into our hotel room.

Mark says he picked this photo because it included his two favorite things, Frances and a cookie.
But, I noticed it also included a king-sized bed. The wonderful thing about king-sized beds is that all of Mark fits on to them. His shins aren't left hanging off the end of the bed. Poor big man.
This was the view from our hotel soon after sunrise. That's the thing about having a two month old, you get to see the sunrise on a regular basis.
Here's what I learned about the natives of Mt. Desert Island: when they aren't hiding from the tourists, they're hiding from the cold. Bar Harbor on a Sunday morning was positively deserted. Granted, it was about 10 degrees out when this photo was taken. The high for the day was 21 and the low was 4.
This was taken from the erstwhile Port in a Storm Bookstore's parking lot, looking left up at Somesville.
Same parking lot, looking right up at the Somesville library. Notice the dock that's missing.
From the north end of Long Pond. I think those guys out in the middle of the pond were ice fishing.
More photos to come!