Yep, Frances is officially six months old, as of 8:33 p.m. today. What does a soon-to-be six month old do?
In the morning, she starts off with some tummy time.

She's gotten much more tolerant of tummy time.

She flies like an airplane...

...which is very exciting.

She's working on the rolling thing, although she thinks about rolling much more than she actually does it at this point.

Eventually, I get her dressed and she plays. In this picture she has a Glow Worm from her Grandma. What big eyes you have, Frances Elliott!

Such good smiles.

In the afternoons, we go for walks. In honor of the special day, we stopped to check out the scenery. Frances is beginning to pay more attention to swinging.
More time looking up, less time eating her hands.

And she loves to look at all the big kids running around the playground.

One funny face.
We also stopped at a super cool (a SAT-worthy phrase, for anyone not familiar) fountain outside one of Harvard's science buildings. It is simply sprays of water shot up between large rocks. Kids love it.

The camera continues to fascinate.
In the evening, we practice drinking...

...and eating.
Not too much is ingested, but, boy oh boy, doesn't she look cute trying?
And the day finishes up with a bath.

Frances is doing great. This is a really fun age as she more actively interacts with her world every day.