Before Mark started his new job(!), we squeezed in one last trip to Maine with Mimi, Sir and Auntie Cathy. First order of business was getting a picture of the long lost Mimi, fresh off the boat from a circumnavigation of Prince Edward Island. Frances took this:
Phew! What a relief to track her down. Now we can stop having the conversation about Mimi being on a boat in Canada.
Brilliant Frances figured out immediately that eating her dinner was pointless, because with Mimi and Sir there's always hors d'oeuvres to be had.
Our last full day in Maine started out a little rough. Frances woke up at 1:41 a.m. and wouldn't settle. Why sleep when Mom and Dad are around to play? To give the house some peace, Mark, Frances and I headed out in the chilly dawn for an island tour. We watched the sun rise over Bar Harbor and then treated ourselves to blueberry pancakes at a diner. So the day was looking up.
We got home, rested a bit and headed out for a picnic. This is Auntie Cathy, Frances and Mimi loaded on the boat and ready to set sail.
Notice that Auntie Cathy was wearing a jacket and pants and sipping hot tea. That's how warm it was. Frances, for her part, was wearing her pajama top and the same pants she had on the previous day. Not sure her teeth were brushed either. Her mother was too tired to get Frances any more organized.
Poor tired kiddo.
The water in the picnic cove was about 55 degrees. That didn't slow Frances down one bit. She took one look at the water and started pulling off her clothes. Partly because I'd been up since 2 a.m. and partly because I was wearing a turtle neck, it never occurred to me to bring Frances's swim suit. Lesson learned.
"What happens if I sit down in the water?"
You get cold, kiddo, really cold.
One of Frances's favorite activities right now is being swung around by her arms - she begs for "wish, wish," her best attempt at saying "swish" which is the sound I make while swinging her. She suckered Mark and me into "wishing" her.
And then Frances took us for a sail around Hardwood Island and then home.
It ended up being one of those heavenly Maine summer days. And Frances was asleep in my arms by 6:40.