A few glimpses into our lives as of late.
Frances has more or less given up napping, but she still has "quiet" time in her room for an hour every afternoon. (She's actually having quiet time as I type. I just sneezed and Frances said "Bless you, mama" from her room.) The other day, I went to get Frances from her room after quiet time and found this:
Frances, sans pants, in a sea of books. I'm sure pulling books off shelves is very restful.
And then, the other day, I opened the refrigerator to find Frances's horse. I feel compelled to say he was just chillin'.
Mark later found the horse in the freezer.
I really shouldn't have indulged Frances with this picture. She was being very naughty this day.
She repeatedly grabbed my fork from my hands as I was eating dinner. I eventually got fed up with her and put the fork out of her reach on the counter. Frances retaliated by standing on one of her small white chairs to get to the fork. This annoyed me. I countered by putting her chairs up on the dining table. Frances then moved her table to the dining room, used it to get up on the dining table and then sat in her chair. I gave up and took her picture. Not great parenting, but it had been a long day.
Have I mentioned that Frances is starting nursery school this summer?