Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fifteen Months of Toddler Frances

For Frances's Fifteen Month Birthday, I tried to find a playground that wasn't under two feet of snow. I failed, but didn't give up until we visited two playgrounds and walked many blocks. Then the reality of living in Massachusetts in February couldn't be denied any longer and we retired to the library, like sensible folk. Frances loves rearranging the librarians' books for them.

Then Frances and I took ourselves home and Frances thawed out in a bath.

Fifteen Months Fun Facts

  • Firsts: For the first time, Frances scooped up food with a spoon and got it into her mouth. It was soft-serve ice cream from Old Country Buffet (I blame Mark), but still an accomplishment. She often knows where her head is and sometimes can locate her nose. Frances has been walking for about two months now, but she's just started picking up things I care about - the phone, the car keys - and relocating them. This can be problematic, such as when she relocates the phone to the dishwasher:
Thank you, Frances.

Best of all: Frances now gives kisses, when she's in the mood, and has generally gotten more snugly. It's so incredible, I'm almost ready to forgive her all the nighttime feedings - almost.

  • Father's nicknames: Butternut Squash, Francine, Huckle Buck, Snuggle Booger. I have no clue.

  • Frequent comment: "What big blue eyes she has!" It's an oldie, but a goody, and she's gotten it a lot this month. I wonder if having a hat pulled down over her forehead somehow accentuates the size of her eyes.

  • Favorite things: Belly buttons - This is not a problem. Zippers - This is mostly comical; I find myself frequently saying "Didn't I just put that coat on you?" Talking on her "phones" - This is completely comical since anything can serve as a phone, including the tube from the toilet paper...

...or that dog chew toy from Auntie Jocelyn.

  • More favorites: Closing doors and drawers - I expect this is going to result in tears someday soon, but so far, so good. Books - This is excellent, except when she brings them to me in the shower. Toilet plunger - This is just unfortunate, but she really likes carrying it around. Veggie Booty - This is a problem; see below.

  • Stats: She's getting old enough to be wary of doctor's appointments, but we made it through her well baby check-up. She's 31.5 inches tall (75-90%) and weighs 20 pounds 12.4 ounces (10-25%). She gained less than two ounces over the past three months and her pediatrician is somewhat concerned. The pediatrician suspects that this is just Frances's genetic predisposition showing itself, but for the the next six weeks, Frances is on a high-fat, high-calorie diet. Veggie Booty is out; peanut butter is in. Frances is not keen.

  • One word to describe Frances this month: Sick, unfortunately. She's had a cold since before Christmas and yesterday came down with croup, which sounds quaint and old-fashioned to me, but it's all the rage at the Hayward-Upton's. We had a long night last night, but we will survive. I'm getting very good at taking Frances's temperature while distracting her with "The Wheels on the Bus" and Frances can wipe her own nose with Kleenex. Not bad for a 15 month old.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Dear Cousin Nora, Cousin Clare and Cousin James,

From the looks of your blog, we know you must be missing Wisconsin. Here's a little reminder of life with snow:

That's a bench on the left and a bicycle on the right, in case you're wondering.
Don't you worry about your Cambridge cousin, though. After exploring the halls of our apartment building numerous times, Auntie Mongo decided it was time to brave the elements.

Your little Cousin Frances did remarkably well on the ice.

She even enjoyed herself a little bit.

Then we went home and learned about hot chocolate.
Hope y'all are surviving down there.
Auntie Mongo and Cousin Frances

Another reason we love Cambridge...

...Free, family-friendly Sunday afternoon music festivals to get us through the winter! I was very enthusiastic. So, Mark and I bundled up Frances, loaded her into the stroller and headed out. We only had to pick the stroller up once to carry it over a snow bank! When we got to the concert, Frances was a little hesitant. That's her in my arms on the left.

After a while, she branched out and wanted her daddy to hold her.

Then she moved on to a chair, still well away from the melee.

She eventually agreed to participate in the music festival by sucking on a maraca.

Towards the end of the concert, she found a ramp to run up and down and was a pretty happy kiddo, right before she retired back to Daddy's arms.

Ah, well, a good time was had by all.