Dear Cousin Nora, Cousin Clare and Cousin James,
From the looks of your
blog, we know you must be missing Wisconsin. Here's a little reminder of life with snow:
That's a bench on the left and a bicycle on the right, in case you're wondering.
Don't you worry about your Cambridge cousin, though. After exploring the halls of our apartment building numerous times, Auntie Mongo decided it was time to brave the elements.
Your little Cousin Frances did remarkably well on the ice.
She even enjoyed herself a little bit.
Then we went home and learned about hot chocolate.
Hope y'all are surviving down there.
Auntie Mongo and Cousin Frances
Now, Frances, all you need to do is get your mother to introduce you to popcorn. That's what we always have with our hot chocolate after we've braved the elements (or gazed at them through the window). Your mother might try to pull some choking hazard nonsense, but don't give up, Frances. It's a wonderful combo, almost as good as popcorn and red wine, but that's something Auntie Jocelyn will corrupt you with later in life.