But she's not so skinny anymore! After six weeks of french fries, ice cream and peanut butter, Frances went back to the pediatrician to check on her previously-resistant-to-growth weight. She'd gained over two pounds and is back on her growth curve. The pediatrician wants me to keep up the high calorie diet, but she isn't worried about Frances's weight anymore.
Frances is also getting taller. What you see here is Frances getting into the drawer where I used to stash pens and matches and bleach sticks. Not quite sure where I'm going to hide these no-no's now.
And teeth! It's hard to get an accurate count, but she's got at least five teeth coming through her gums. It seems impossible, but the teeth don't seem to bother her a bit.
All this growth, she must be one healthy kiddo. Way to thrive, Frances!
Mark grew three inches in one winter! Wonder if she is going to do the same.