Friday, July 22, 2011

Next up, Rockport

On our latest weekend jaunt, we travelled to Rockport, MA, a really lovely little town about an hour north of Cambridge.

My definition of a great restaurant these days? A place that doesn't mind when my one year old climbs on their picnic table and picks at the food like a wandering seagull. Fish and chips for Mark and Frances, a hot dog with sauerkraut for me, and a beautiful afternoon for all. Perfection.

Then we asked Frances to pose a bit, with limited success, but wasn't the day beautiful?

We got more than our average number of "Your little boy is so cute" that day. Oh, well, I'll take it.


  1. Love the pictures! Thank you for posting. :)

  2. She's too pretty to be a boy...although so is James :-).
