We were on our way to church, we really were, and then our friends Dave, Michele and Sophia kidnapped us and made us go canoeing. Being good sports, we decided not to resist.
This is Sophia getting her life jacket on and Frances supervising. The girls were really tolerant of their life jackets, surprisingly enough. More tolerant than their parents who couldn't be bothered.
All six of us hopped into the canoe and headed off down the river. There were bridges that echoed. Thanks for the sound effects, Michele!
And there was a bit of mayhem, like when the girls decided to rearrange themselves - repeatedly.
But we made our way along just fine. Frances and Sophia were born the same day. Can you tell? (That's Dave in the background, ably steering the boat.)
In a jiffy, we were out of the canoe and exploring the Old North Bridge, where the Revolutionary War began.
Mark carried Frances and Dave carried Sophia. It may be a little hard to tell them apart with their matching attire.
Sophia and Frances cavorted in this tripartite tree and then we headed for home.
Activity, a little communing with nature and a bit of history. We'll get to church next week, I'm sure.