Monday, August 29, 2011

Happiest Toddler on the Block

Who said money can't buy happiness? I'm here to tell you a consignment shop and a little dough can bring a lot of happiness, especailly when Frances and a tricycle are involved. Mark and I have been contemplating a bike for Frances for a while, but we finally found one for a good price. We brought the bike home and hit the streets.

We took it down to the hardware store to replace a single screw, and then...

...headed down to Memorial, which is closed to traffic on Sundays.

We think Frances was pleased. Now, before she goes to bed at night, she waves at her bike and says, "Bye, bock."


  1. Wow, I've never seen such a happy kid. And grown-up to boot!

  2. It's been TOO long since I last visited to see how you guys are doing, and to see how BIG Frances is getting! Oh my, Morgan! She, of course, is growing like a weed, and those eyes and that smile... don't even get me started. :)

    Love seeing her on that bike, and knowing that she loves it so much as to say, "bye, bock". :)

    Love to you all~
