Monday, January 31, 2011

Little Pink Sock

My mom may be my only reader who knows about Little Pink Sock, so here's a little background information that may be necessary to appreciate these pictures of Frances.

There's a comics strip called Mutts. Mooch, one of its characters, is a cat who has a little pink sock for a lovey, like so:

I love that Mooch loves his Little Pink Sock.

The other day, Frances went out of her way to get a little pink sock for herself. She went head-first into the (clean!) laundry basket.


"Now, how do I get out?"

She got out all by herself, and without bonking herself in the head. Kudos, Frances.


  1. Isn't she cute! I see another tooth has come in too. Such a sweet baby. :) And smart too. :) Thank you for the new pictures.

  2. I love that picture of her smiling. She looks so happy!

  3. Doesn't she bring a smile to your face. :)
