Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Day Survivors

Beware apartments described as "garden level" in the Boston area. When it snows and the "garden" is actually a parking lot that needs to be plowed, this is the view:

Frances was not impressed, so she decided to "help" her daddy with his nap.

I missed the picture of Frances taking handfuls of her dad's hair and yanking his head back and forth. I decided we needed to get out of the apartment and I've got this new Ergo carrier I've been eager to use, so we braved snow, ice and wind to go for a walk.

Not my best idea ever. Surprise! Frances does not enjoy having snow blown in her face. So after tramping around with some other desperate souls for a bit, a retreat was in order, thank goodness.

Frances tried on the latest addition to her ever-growing tutu collection (more photos to come, don't worry) and then we called it a day.

1 comment:

  1. the tutu is awesome. i request (politely, of course) a blog post dedicated to Francis modeling all of her tutus, individually and at once. Presumably this would be as fun for her as it would be for me.

    when are you bringing her and her tutus to NYC?
