Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Child Labor at Camp Mimiandsir

Before heading back to Boston, Frances and I spent a couple days in Fayetteville at Camp Mimiandsir.  Frances had a great time and didn't even notice how much work she was doing.

She helped Sir in his garden with some raking and planting.

And she helped Mimi with the mowing.  Lawn mowers aren't as exciting as trains, but they aren't bad either.

Camp Mimiandsir now taking applications for next summer. Major credit cards accepted; wine preferred.


  1. How much wine do you suppose they'd charge for 6 grandchildren all at once?

  2. Not enough wine in the world! Besides, I don't think all 6 grandchildren would make it through the week. The head counselors at Camp Mimiandsir tend to get distracted by the grass that just has to be mowed immediately or the trees that have to be watered this instant. Too much of that, and one of the dear campers would get trampled by the ram. (Sorry, head counselors!) Frances, for example, has learned how to let herself into the sheep fields, but not how to avoid said ram.

  3. and the corn is up!!

    I just read your conversation...Morgan's assessment is absolutely on. Maybe 2 at a time...but that would be about it. I'm getting old, you know, and your father needs my undivided attention, apparently.

    Frances could come play with us for a few days and then go down to Van Buren for a few.....Sundays with us!

  4. Mark wants to know why Frances would need to spend Sundays with you guys?!?
