Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yep, it's a girl, alright!

Before too many more of you make negative remarks (I'm talking to you here, Beka), let me explain the outfit. Auntie Tara is getting married in mere days, and, because she's Tara, she invited all her little girl wedding guests to be flower girls. Frances, I believe, is the littlest flower girl. Frances's outfit arrived the other day in the mail. I tried it on her once before, but I wanted to show her dad before we packed it up and ship it to Arkansas. I think it will survive better in a box than in a suitcase. It's absolutely as big as it looks. Her father is thrilled with it and just hopes it still fits for Frances's first birthday. I can't believe we're making plans for her first birthday already.

One more parting shot:


  1. and you thought the tutu i gave her was over-the-top? These pictures will cost you a fortune in shrink bills down the road!!!

    Please put that in the "hand-me-downs for beka's spawn" box... This is why dan fears for the future should we have kids and should said kid be a boy.

  2. Beka,
    Don't let fear of emotional damage stop you from having kids. It goes with the territory. Plus, I happen to know that the woman who made this tutu would be thrilled to do one in blue, so I'm sure your son wouldn't be all that damaged, right?

    Come on, Beka, have kids. That way, we can have a Presents War. They're the best.


  3. Oh dear...Please tell me I don't have any of those in my future.

  4. A Presents War or a tutu, Jocelyn? Both can be arranged.

  5. Where are all the comments about how effing cute she looks? When I have kids, they will wear this outfit every single day.
    It was custom made just for her. She looks so cute! My photographer is going to be so excited to take pictures of the girls running around in their tutus and my one poor little nephew mixed up with them.
    Get ready for an adorable explosion!

  6. http://www.hannahstutus.com/

    In case anyone wants their own custom tutu.

  7. Tara, we all love it, of course. Beka wants it. Mark is thrilled to have his little girl looking like a girl. Jocelyn's just jealous because her baby is a boy. And it's so cute that I've had to give up my "No Head Adornments" rule, the latest rule to go by the wayside.

    We love you. We're so excited for the wedding.

    Morgan, Mark and Frances




  9. Isn't she cute. :) Ellen if you receive pictures through Photo Gallery would you send some to me like you did the last time. We would really appreciate it. She is growing so fast. I like the tutu. Good choice of color too. :)

  10. of course Tara picked a winner! I cannot wait to see the pictures of Frances and her mom in matching attire! Tara is a genius. If you'd sold tickets to the wedding, I'd have paid. Morgan? will you have the head gear AND tutu or just tutu? I hope yours has sparkles.

    hurrah wedding. dan and i may have to get in on the plan, who knew you could dress your friends up funny and get away with it.

  11. Beka,
    Take the plunge, Beka. If you get married, you get to dress your bridemaids and flower girls up funny. If you have kids, you get to dress up your kids however you like. Otherwise, all you can do is dress yourself up in rainbow sweaters...

    Love you!


  12. The rainbow sweater, ever so sadly, hasn't been in use of late. I've managed to find brightly colored "work suitable" clothing instead. Having joined the army of darkness, i feel it is my duty to add a little bit of color to an otherwise gloomy court room populated by people wearing neutrals and varying shades of black.


  13. Oh, yes, I heard about the swearing in ceremony and I've got a picture of it too. So nice of you to voluntarily break the color barrier. The Little Rock Nine and you...


  14. i heart the tutu. it kicks butt! Dave thinks Frances looks awesome and we may have to procure one for Sophia too. :)
