Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween, Shmalloween

Frances had four dress-up opportunities this Halloween, but going to the events just wasn't in the cards for us. Frances slept through three of the opportunities. We tried to get to the fourth event, but Frances had other plans. She just wanted out of the stroller so she could "walk," which is fine but not conducive to actually getting to the event. After trying to change her mind for a bit, we gave up and decided to enjoy whatever we were doing. "Whatever we were doing" turned out to be playing and "walking" in the T station.

This picture only appears to be upside down. Frances was actually hanging upside down when it was taken. Here, she's strolling through the Harvard Square station, totally pleased with herself.

And we finished up the day in Harvard Yard. Good planning, Frances!

This is for you, Auntie Tara

Last year for Halloween, I was in Brooklyn with my friend Tara. We saw a huge costume parade with hundreds of little kiddos all dressed up. Tara thought they were adorable; I rolled my eyes. I believe I suggested Tara be in charge of Frances's costumes. But this year, as Halloween rolled around, I got the urge to participate. Luckily, I had this tutu from Tara's wedding just waiting to be re-purposed. With a little more scrounging around, we have...

Frances Elliott Upton, The Flower
(humor me)
The whole costume stayed in tact for the three seconds it took Frances to take off her hat and start chewing on the bee antenna.

On Halloween evening, we wanted to get some pictures of Frances outside in her costume, but it had gotten chilly so we had to forgo the full effect. Still, isn't Harvard Yard pretty in the fall?

Jack-o-lantern, Round 2, Part 2

We did actually get around to carving our second pumpkin before Halloween. It may have been the day before Halloween, but still.

Frances was just as unsure of this whole process this time as the first time, but her parents had fun.

We wanted it to look like Frances. Big round eyes, a button nose, and an ever-so-slight gap between her top front teeth. How'd we do?

Much more satisfying experience this time around, at least for the parents.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We Love Cambridge

And why do we love Cambridge? Because it has playgrounds that come complete with walking toys, perfect for Bubby Frances. It was chilly yesterday, but we had a little time to fill before dinner so we wandered over to a relatively new playground for us. The other time we'd been to this playground, Frances was too little to use the toys. This time, they were perfect. We started with this bike, which didn't make too much sense to Frances.

Then we found this walker. Frances wasn't exactly tearing up the place, but she got herself around independently. Her parents just stood back in awe.

Next up, walking?!

p.s. No need to comment on the picture quality, Mimi. These were taken with our phone. We didn't think to bring the camera to the playground; we had no idea it would be such a momentous occasion.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Frances and the Head of the Charles

The Head of the Charles is a big deal rowing regatta held every year in Cambridge. Last year, it snowed during the races and I missed them. The races were still held, mind you, but I was busy lying on the couch being very pregnant and wondering why I'd agreed to move to a place with serious snow in October. This year was a balmy 50+ degrees so Frances and I headed out to check out the festivities.

As far as I could tell, the regatta is as much about eating chowdah and carmel apples as rowing, but a good time was had by all.

And then I let Frances out of the stroller and she ate some rocks. Everybody's happy.

Jack-o-lantern, Round 2

This time around, we tried a little harder for a positive Pumpkin Experience. We drove out of Cambridge a little ways and carefully inspected our myriad choices.

Frances wasn't sure what all the fuss was about, but she did think the pumpkins made good standing props, and really isn't that what's important?

We chose a great big sucker that we may or may not get around to carving before Halloween.
To all the concerned citizens out there, no, Frances isn't walking yet. Immediately after these photos were taken she sat down and started eating rocks, a favorite activity. Believe me, when she does walk I'll let every one know tout de suite.

Jack-o-lantern, Round 1

Some folks drive to the country to clamber amongst mountains of pumpkins to find the perfect gourd. Frances and I drove to Market Basket and brought home this beauty.

Little did I realize the pumpkin had several soft spots.
Nevertheless, we undressed Frances down to her undershirt in case she wanted to play with the pumpkin's innards and had a grand time carving it up. Frances turned out to be much more interested in the paper protecting the table from the pumpkin than the pumpkin itself.

Frances did have a little taste (Frances always has a little taste).

Frances helped her mama clean it out...

...and she helped her daddy carve it up.

We (meaning Mark and I, because Frances really couldn't have cared less) were very proud of our pumpkin. And then it rotted. On to Round 2!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Eleven Months of Bubby Frances

Yes, we've made it to Eleven Months! Unbelievable. This post has a lot of photos, but I didn't want to leave any out. Frances is wearing a beautiful new jacket that her Auntie Beth made. I love it. Frances will be wearing it every chance she gets until it gets too cold.

We started her Eleven Months photo shoot in our living room.

Hello, Blue Eyes.

Our neighbor conveniently has a very New England-esque stone wall, and she likes to grow lavender and lupin. We like our neighbor.

She looks like she's holding on for dear life in this photo, but really she can stand up with very little support. More about that below.

And we wrapped up the photo shoot at the playground around the corner from our apartment.

Eleven Months Fun Facts
  • Firsts: Not quite so many firsts this month, but she has started standing on her own every so often. She started doing it a couple weeks ago but it seemed to be by accident. This past week, however, she did it several times in one day, so I think it's on purpose and I think she'll be trying her first steps soon. Very exciting. Oh, and she says something like "Mama," but it doesn't seem to be connected to me yet. I have to say, even if she doesn't know I'm "Mama" it's still pretty sweet to hear. And, she sleeps through the night on a very regular basis. Praise Jesus!
  • Favorite food: Oh, the Baby Nutrition Police will be breaking down my door any day now. She loves fish sticks. But these are fancy fish sticks: each box contains a full serving of vegetables mixed in with the fish. That's right, if you eat all 15 fish sticks you get a full serving of vegetables. Must count for something. She also loves (previously frozen) waffles, but they're whole wheat so very nutritious.
  • Frequent comment: "She'll be walking any day now." Maybe yes, maybe no.
  • Favorite activity: She loves being with other kids. I love watching her engage with them in new environments. It makes me so proud.
  • One word to describe Frances this month: Explorer. She wants to see everything. Unfortunately for her, our apartment is a little treacherous, so I keep the bedroom and bathroom doors closed, so Frances ends up going in circles. I guess that's why she loves getting out with other kids so much.

Next up, One Year of Bubby Frances.

Reading with Daddy

On most nights, Mark gets home just in time to read Frances a story before she goes to bed. I love watching them together; this is one of my favorite times of the day. Most of the time Frances even stays still and pays attention to the book (except when her picture is being taken, of course).

Happy reading, Bubby Frances.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I See You!

Frances really loves exploring lately and our apartment is so small she gets into every nook and cranny. Every once in a while she'll get herself trapped, but really she's a pretty good navigator.