Thursday, July 15, 2010

Eight Months of Bubby Frances!

Frances has hit Eight Months! She'll be a year old before we know it.

Eight Month Fun Facts:

  • Firsts: Teeth! Her bottom right tooth came in. You can almost see it in this picture. (It was promptly followed by her bottom left tooth.)

(Frances's grandma wants to know if she should submit this picture or one of the tutu pictures to a photo contest. What do you think?)

  • Favorite foods: Sweet Potatoes. We're waiting for her to turn orange.
  • Her father's frequent nick names for her: Last month it was "Chicken Wing." This month, it has morphed into "Chicken Tatters" and "Chicken Nugget." No, I don't know why.
  • Frequent comment: "What big blue eyes she has!"

  • Hardest part of the day: Night; she's waking up more and more. We're hoping it's because of her new teeth and her new-found love of movement and that things will be back to normal soon. On the up side, she's napping more during the day. Her morning nap used to last about 45 minutes, but now it's more like one and a half hours.

  • Favorite activity: "Walking" while holding on to our fingers. If that can't get a smile out of her, nothing will. She's pretty good at getting around without us though. She swivels and scoots backwards on her belly. We find her under the couch about once a day.

And now we're off to Fayetteville for Tara and Andrew's wedding. The famous tutu will have its day.


  1. Now which picture do I send in. The tutu or the top one. So cute. :0)

  2. I took the picture of Frances in her tutu to Bedfords today so be sure and watch Channel 5 to see if they will show her on tv.
