Monday, September 12, 2011

Twenty-Two Months of Toddler Frances

I'll try to be less wordy this month.
  • Language: So many new words, but many of them sound alike and context is very important to the poor adult trying to keep up.  Juice and shoes sound very similar, as do walk/rock. and truck/stuck. Words' starting or ending sounds are often tricky, for instance, Dir is Sir, dup is cup, dop is stop, and doo-doo is choo-choo, unfortunately.  Sea gull is pronounced something like T-Gll. Likewise, boap is boat; tacky is taxi.  Some words are spot-on correct, like monkey, bubble and way, as in "This is the way I want to go, not your way."  She can now make the sign for airplane, and uses it frequently.
  • Locomotion: Running is her favorite way to get around but she still trips almost daily.  Her knees have taken a toll, but she's discovered the joy of picking scabs, so there's an up side.
  • Song repertoire:  I believe when she says "D" at song time, she's asking for the alphabet song.  I'm positive she loves the "Five Little Monkeys" rhyme; we use it to get through long car trips.
  • Favorites: She loves books about dogs and trains.  She loves to eat red onions.  (She has loved them for months, but I'm not sure I've mentioned it before and I want to remember it in my doddering old age.)
  • Greatest aspiration: Still questing for World Domination, our Frances.  The latest iteration: Mark gets disciplined for touching me.  Jeepers.
  • Frequent conversation goes like this:
          Frances (pointing at my head): Wet?
          Me: My hair is wet because I took a bath.
          Frances: Bath (pronounced bas)
         This is mostly all well and good, but it gets a little awkward when she goes to the grocery and points at one man with dreadlocks and another with a slicked back do (seemed to be a Dapper Dan Man) and exclaims "Wet!?"  Both men just smiled, thankfully.

I must say, I'm in awe of her progress.  Less than two years ago, she was absolutely defenseless.  Soon, she'll be hailing taxis.  On to next month!

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