Monday, December 14, 2009

Mimi, Our Hero

My mom has been a real hero to us these past couple months. She used some pretty un-grandmotherly language when I called from the hospital to tell her I was having some complications, but she recovered quickly and was at my side within 24 hours. She didn't really leave me for the next three weeks, which means she suffered through many sleepless nights and a lot of hospital food.

Here she is with Frances before we left the hospital.

And here she is when she and Sir came back a couple of weeks after Frances was supposed to be born.

I think she was feeling a bit more well rested on the second visit.

Unfortunately, you may not be able to tell how fabulous Frances' outfit is from this picture. It's got holly leaves and black polka dots and is furry. Thank you, Mimi.

We really could not have made it in one piece without her. We are so very, very thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Here, here to Mimi (or is it hear, hear?!?!). We're missing the 3 of you in Fayetteville but are glad you have the time to relax.

