Sunday, May 2, 2010

Payback from the Asiatic Hordes?

Right after I published the post about the Asiatic hordes having their pictures taken in Harvard Yard a package arrived in the mail from Mimi with some interesting outfits for Frances.

Yes, her own little Asiatic outfits (I don't think they truly count as Asian outfits since they were designed in California and manufactured in Florida). One set was purple, with a fish on the hat...

...and a tiger on the jacket.

And the other set was blue. Mark took one look and said, "Oh, mercy."

And here Frances demonstrates her new skill of reaching for the camera with her arms...

...and her mouth. "Let me have it!" she says.


  1. What's the little animal she is holding? A knitted stuffed animal? From Beka?

  2. Grandpa thinks she is lovely and likes her new outfits.

  3. I think the outfits are great!!! I know exactly where she got them from too!

  4. She's holding a knitted stuffed frog. Not homemade. There's a line of 90 (literally) stuffed creatures that Mark has taken a fancy to. He's determined to get them all. (Sigh.) So far we've got the frog, a dog, an extraterrestrial and two dolls. Since they all live in her crib, I don't know where she's going to sleep if he keeps this up.

  5. Morgan, You need to get these onto Please!!!!!!!!! mom
