Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unofficial Benchmark

Some developmental benchmarks are official, the type pediatricians care about, like the first time a baby rolls over or sits up. Then there are the unofficial benchmarks that mommies live with everyday, like the first time a baby crawls into an open and unguarded dishwasher or holds a phone up to her ear. Frances reached one of the unofficial benchmarks the other day when she destroyed a roll of toilet paper.

Totally pleased with herself.

I had left Frances to fend for herself while I took a shower. I thought I had moved the roll of toilet paper out of her reach, but the periscope arm prevailed. Good job, Frances!


  1. What else would you expect from a toddler rockin' the leopard print onesie?

  2. That was from Mimi, the source of all things leopard print.
