Tuesday, March 1, 2011


My little sister Lindsay claims to have been scarred emotionally by our mother relentlessly dressing her in stripes when she was a kiddo. Apparently second graders can be cruel. I say, what's a little long-term emotional damage for a kid compared to some short-term pleasure for a mom? But stripes aren't my thing. Purple has been my thing for as long as I can remember. And so, we have - ta dah! -

The Amazing Purple Girl!

Yes, that's poor Frances in metallic purple shoes, lilac pants, multi-purple jacket and magenta hat, all because I like purple. Let the emotional scarring begin!


  1. But isn't she cute in all her purpleness. :)

  2. Frances, it's the scars that make us interesting. Keep on with the stripes. --Uncle Josh

  3. Love it! Just toss on a purple tutu (come on you have to have one in your collection) and the scarring will be complete!
