Monday, September 10, 2012

Come, Labor On

(The title is for you, Josh, in case that isn't clear.)

When we have free time, we like to pick a town almost at random, visit chosen town, wander, eat lunch, shop a tiny bit and head for home.  We always intend to include an activity that will earn us Immortal Soul Points.  We never do.  This Labor Day, the chosen town was Portsmouth, New Hampshire, which turned out to be perfect for our purposes.  Frances hadn't read the weather report (cold), so she chose this lovely flamenco dress (we have three such dresses, should you be in need).

After lunch and wandering, we found ourselves in a park where Frances put on a ballet show for us.  Our definition of "ballet" is fairly loose.

Then we took ourselves to some nearby outlet malls.  Unfortunately, the rest of humanity had the same idea, but at least Frances had some new and appropriate shoes to start the school year on Tuesday.  One cannot "Come, Labor On" in inappropriate shoes, for heaven's sake.


  1. I'm going through more of a "They Cast their Nets in Galilee" phase, these days but I appreciate the tribute. "Come Labor On" is one of the great ones. -Josh

  2. Yes, yes, I'm all for "the hills of brown," but for the holiday (Labor Day), "Come, Labor On" seemed more appropriate.

    Are we nerds, or what?

