Sunday, January 17, 2010

The last winter beach

For our last hurrah before Mark goes back to school, we went to Crane's Beach in Ipswich, MA. It was a beautiful 47 degrees; we even passed signs for a sled dog race that had to be canceled because of the warm weather. I thought we would have the beach to ourselves but it was quite busy, including three women on horseback. Mark picked out these photos.

Mark loves, loves, loves these videos. He's watched each one about eight 28 times. He's particularly fond of the snorting sound Frances makes at the end of the second video.


  1. my little baby....such a darling.

    didn't hear too much talking, though.

    you know we went swimming there every summer when I was a had to walk and walk just to be able to get completely wet. don
    t think seen a tide like that anywhere else.

  2. hey, there's that baby boy hat again?????
