Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Record Day

Frances needed a record number of emergency baths yesterday, one in the morning and one in the evening.

That's o.k., though, more opportunities for cute bath photos.


  1. Oh, she's so cute and adorable. You can really see her face. So she's almost 2 months old by her birth date, but 1 month by her gestational date. Interesting. I guess you don't have any true comparison, but what is she more like? If she's fitting into 3 - 6 month onesies, size wise, she must be more like a 2 month old!

  2. I cannot wait to meet her. I'm thinking February? Maybe one of those three day weekends even?

  3. I can't really judge by clothes sizes; they're so inconsistent. Tara, I can't wait to see you. Beka wants to come up too. I'm going to be in Arkansas from about Feb. 8 to 14 but besides that any time is fair game.

  4. She looks just so sweet.

    Look at that great big round tummy, too!

    And your face looks completely different......thinner!

