Tuesday, January 5, 2010

More Christmas at the Upton-Hayward's

I love this photo. Mark got Frances a little knit dog for Christmas. I think we're going to call it Finn. That's what Mark wants to name his Irish Wolfhound, but we won't be getting an actual dog for a looong time.

My sister Jocelyn has a rule for determining the number of guests she invites to her kids' birthday parties: the age her kid is turning, plus one. So, if the child is turning three, then four kids are invited; if the child's turning five, then six kids, and so forth.

We seem to have a similar rule for Christmas trees: Frances can have a Christmas tree as tall as she is, like so:

Two photos of a conscious Frances. Not bad!


  1. I can't say I get the connection b/w how many kids my kids can invite to their birthday parties and the Christmas tree?

  2. They both go under "Guidelines for Parenting," duh.

  3. I got it, and thought it was very funny

  4. You're saying "Oh...of course..." sarcastically, aren't you? What's funnier about this blog for me is that Mark didn't like the title and offered alternatives, like "Christmas at the Uptons'" or pretty much anything besides what I wrote.
