Saturday, January 2, 2010

Memory Lane, sorta...

...also know as 11 Crescent Road, where Mimi grew up. We took Frances there after Christmas to show her around.

It looks almost exactly the same as it did when my grandparents lived there. Ahh, such happy memories, in a way...

Again, Frances was fascinated.


  1. Crescent Road looks really nice. The tree and landscaping make a huge difference. Wasn't there a railing across the front? So, no one was home? Frances seems to be asleep!

    Daddy's gone off to church and I'm eatting toast with peanut butter and raspberry jam.....back to reality tomorrow.

    It snowed here overnight, so everything is a pristeen (no spell check on this thing!!) white. Very pretty. We have one very healthy baby sheep, by the way.

    I love the comment on Ira and Vicki....really sweet and probably accurate?

    (suppose you'll actually read this!?!)

  2. Why don't you have more clothes on that baby?!?!

  3. Well, Auntie Jocelyn, thank you very much for your concern, but I'll have you know it was very warm out that day, at least for January in Massachusetts. And, she was out of her sling for all of three minutes.
