Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back to Maine!

To our delight, we were able to spend another week together in Maine. To our surprise, my college roommate Beka, after 16 years of invitations, was able to join us with Dan, her significant other. And we went sailing! It made me feel so grown up to go sailing without my parents. Frances was a very good sport and fell asleep soon after this picture was taken.

Beka and Dan were natural helms-persons and we all felt very accomplished. Hopefully there will be more photos coming of their trip (yes, Beka?). We packed a lot into their two days - sailing, a trip to a very nice farm stand, hiking up a mountain and around a lake, another trip to Jordan's Pond for more popovers (including some popovers a la mode), a visit to Bar Harbor, lobster and blueberry bread pudding! Those were a sweet couple of days.

Speaking of sweet, Frances in Sir's new kitchen:

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