Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Frances takes Newport

For what is very likely our last family foray this summer, Mark, Frances and I spent the night in Newport, RI with some friends from the Cambridge area. I'm sure it's possible to have a happy life without access to beaches and oceans, but friends with summer beach houses sure make it easier.

Michele, Dave and Sophia gave us a mansion tour. And I thought Bar Harbor, Maine wasn't too shabby! Newport is a whole other kind of wealthy. That's a Vanderbilt house in the back ground. In the foreground are Michele and Sophia. Frances may not have figured it out yet, but Sophia is Frances's oldest friends. They were born at the same hospital on the same day and we're pretty sure they were in the nursery at the same time together.

The wind was a little brisk that day.

Frances and Sophia take in the view, with a little help from their friends.

Michele and Dave stayed with Frances so Mark and I got to go out to dinner like grown ups. It was spectacular. Thank you, Michele, Dave and Sophia!

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