Thursday, October 11, 2012

Keeping up with the Duggars...

...if the Duggars had stopped about 20 kids ago, which is my way of saying that the next Upton is on the way.

Here's the kiddo at about 12 weeks.

Just a tad eerie, no?

I'm due in the middle of February.  It has been a very easy pregnancy so far.  I didn't even believe I was pregnant until it was confirmed with an ultrasound at nine weeks.  My midwife discovered I was anemic, so I've been taking about 300% of the daily recommended allowance of iron and I actually have more energy than before I got pregnant.  Some days I don't even want to nap.  My midwife is trying to avoid some of the complications of Frances's delivery (abruption, anemia, a low platelete count, blah, blah) so she's sent me to visit with a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor, who also recommended a couple supplements and some non-stress tests toward the end of the pregnancy.  Now I'm taking about nine pills a day and will be visiting the hospital quite a bit toward the end for the tests, but that is so preferable to early labor, anemia, etc. that I don't mind a bit.

We aren't going to find out the sex, so don't ask.  Frances is pretty sure she's having a baby sister, and we suspect she's right.  We think Frances is handling the news with grace.  The first time we mentioned the baby to her, she just wanted to know where it was going to sleep.  Then she went through a spell of wanting us to read Julie Vivas's The Nativity to her over and over, but she's done that before.

I definitely have moments of panic - how am I going to handle a tantrumming Frances and a hungry new born while Mark is at work? - but I know we'll survive and I can't wait to see what this next kiddo is going to be like.

We are at a complete loss for a name.  Suggestions appreciated.


  1. Hayward Elliot Upton,,,male or female

    Hayward Grant Upton\

    Hayward Corwin Upton

    Corwin Hayward Upton

    Merrill Hayward Upton

    Ira Hayward Upton

    Elizabeth Hayward Upton

    Chandler Hayward Upton..........that's the one!!!!!

  2. Edith and call her Edie. Edie Upton. Too cute for words.

  3. But then you gotta name her Edith. Way too close to Ethel.

  4. My brother's youngest, number 8, that is is named Edith and we call her Edie and she's a cute as a button. Morgan, great news and I have baby boy clothes for you if it's a boy. I think they are James' clothes. Hope all goes well!
