Thursday, October 11, 2012

Meeting Lena

My parents, because they are insane, have recently acquired two new dogs.  Just what every almost-retired couple needs.  The bigger, calmer, quieter of the two dogs is an Anatolian shepherd named Lena.  Frances wasn't at all sure about Lena when we arrived in Maine.  Frances spent most of her time sitting on the kitchen counter trying to avoid the dogs.  But she did have moments when she warmed up to Lena, like so:

The smaller, wilder, louder dog is a Portuguese Water Dog named Marta, also lovingly referred to as "Heathen."  I'm guessing she was locked up somewhere while these photos were being taken, otherwise Frances would have retreated to the kitchen counter.  Frances got pretty good at saying, "Buzz off, Heathen."  I was tempted to teach her "Get behind me, Satan," but "Buzz off, Heathen" was probably just as effective and satisfying, as in not at all effective and totally satisfying.

We took many other photos of Frances in Maine, doing Maine-type stuff like steering the sail boat and frolicking on the beach naked while her mother shuttered in a turtle neck, but those photos are not to be found.  Perhaps our camera's memory chip gave out?  Oh, well.  We'll just have to take those photos again next year, and every year after that.


  1. Boo, Frances. I love Marta. She's not a heathen and she's most decidedly not satan. But I do agree with you that Lena is a sweetheart.

  2. Hey, now, Old Sir was the one who started the "Heathen" stuff. And just because we call Marta "Heathen" doesn't mean we don't love her to pieces. And "Get behind me, Satan" is just fun to say, especially to a smiling mop of a dog.
