Friday, May 18, 2012

Thirty Months of Toddler Frances

The kiddo is two and a half!  The kiddo herself thinks she's "two and O months" (that's the letter "o," not the number zero).  Not sure where she got that, but on the big day itself, Frances and I headed over to the Arnold Arboretum to dust off her bike.  I pushed her around for a bit and then a little girl Frances knows from the library story hour happened to show up.  Frances has a bit of a crush on this girl, so she gladly followed Rosie around, throwing sticks in the pond, "feeding" the fish dandelions, and monkeying about under the trees.  It was great.

Then she re-cooperated in the grass for a bit.

Not too terribly much to report this month, but here it goes, Thirty Months Frances Fun Facts:

  • Favorite reads: Oh, the horror!  Her favorite read right now is a Dora book.  I can't even be bothered to learn its title, but it's got something to do with Dora and Boots, the monkey, finding Easter eggs.  It has flaps that Frances can look under to find the eggs and Frances is a sucker for flaps and Dora, so I'm doubly, um, cornered into reading this book multiple times a day.
  • First joke: Point at anything in a picture book.  Say "That's a cat!"  Laugh uproariously.  Repeat, a lot.  Two year-old humor.
  • Sleep:  Frances has taken up napping again.  I'm so pleased.  I thought we were doing alright with no napping and early bed times, but now that she's napping again, I realize we were having a rough time.
  • Frequent phrase: "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"
  • Word to describe Frances this month: smoother.  Maybe because she's napping again, Frances has been easier lately.  This makes the decision to send her to school that much harder, as originally I had thought it was time because she seemed so bored with me and my activities.  We shall see.  One month until school starts.

1 comment:

  1. BOY, ARE YOU A CUTE KID...........NEW BIKE?
