Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yahoos at the Kansas City Zoo

Frances's Mimi and I took Frances and cousin Zoe to the zoo, so Zoe's parents could get some work done. Not a complete success.  It turns out Frances and Zoe are yahoos who would rather run around pretending to be animals than stand around looking at animals.  What were we thinking?

So here's Thing One and Thing Two inside a giant egg.  They were happy in the egg for about 15 seconds.  Then some older kids came along and took over the egg and the little girls screamed bloody murder.

See how all the other people are looking  in one direction and pointing?  That's because there were kangaroos about twenty feet away with no fence keeping them in.  Notice who is not looking at the kangaroos?

And here's Thing One and Thing Two playing in a bush.  See any zoo animals?  Me neither.

And, finally, here's Thing One and Thing Two acting like meerkats.  Was this because they'd seen some meerkats?  Of course not.  But some other kids had and they were talking about meerkats when they passed the girls and that was good enough to get the girls going.

Oh, and there was a train for Frances to ride.  She probably thought this zoo trip was a complete success.

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